Senior Care News

What Should Self-Care Look Like for Family Caregivers?

Self-care is so important for family caregivers, but it can often be incredibly difficult to know what to do and how to make it happen.
Respite Care in Joplin MO

Self-care doesn’t look the same from one person to the next, but there are definitely similarities in how people might approach thinking about it. Family caregivers in particular need to be very thoughtful in terms of how they approach self-care. Enlisting the help of respite care providers is a great place to start.

Build a Solid Support Network

A strong support network gives family caregivers a better chance to actually take time out for self-care. Every support network looks a little different, so it might include friends, family members, home care providers, medical providers, and even support group members. Depending on other needs and available resources, there might be other people in the support network, too.

Take Breaks Regularly

For self-care to be truly effective, family caregivers need to take regular breaks. That doesn’t mean that family caregivers have to take an hour off every week at the exact same time unless that works for them. What it does mean is that thinking about when a break is necessary and proactively planning for regular time away needs to be part of caregiving goals.

Do the Tough Stuff

There’s more to self-care than taking a nap or a bubble bath, and that’s where a lot of people misunderstand what self-care is. Taking care of themselves means that family caregivers sometimes have to do the difficult stuff, like making doctor’s appointments for themselves and getting that time in at the gym. These are things that family caregivers need to do in order to continue being strong enough to take care of the seniors they love.

Make Time for Hobbies

But it isn’t all the tough stuff, either. Hobbies and activities that family caregivers enjoy often get shoved to the side because there isn’t enough time, energy, or both. With the help of respite care, family caregivers can have more time and energy to focus on the activities they enjoy and that refill their cup. This is a form of rest that helps family caregivers turn around and give back.

Get Mental Health Support

Another form of self-care that sometimes doesn’t make the list is mental health support. That might mean appointments with a therapist or it could mean attending support group meetings for other family caregivers. Whatever mental health support looks like for each family caregiver isn’t as important as it is that they make time for keeping themselves mentally and emotionally healthy.

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Without proper sleep, everything else is much more difficult. That’s why family caregivers have to include solid sleep in their plan for self-care. If they’re not currently getting good sleep, it may take a while to figure out where the problem lies, and working to get it corrected. For some family caregivers that might mean using respite time to do things like nap or talk with healthcare providers if simple solutions haven’t worked.

Self-care isn’t going to cure everything for family caregivers, but it goes a long way toward helping them stay regulated and ensure that seniors have the help they need. Respite care makes all of that easier, while also helping seniors stay safe and supported.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Respite Care in Joplin, MO, please contact the caring staff at Adelmo Family Care today at (417) 206-4576
Adelmo Family Care provides exceptional home and facility care for seniors, disabled adults, and their families in Joplin, Webb City, Carthage, Duquesne, Neosho, Carl Junction, Lamar, Newton County, MO, Jasper County, MO, Pittsburg, KS, Riverton, KS, Crawford County, KS, Cherokee County, KS, and surrounding areas.
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