Senior Care News

Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Help At Home

Home care can make sure that your mom or dad is living in a clean and sanitary environment.
Home Care in Crawford County KS

One of the most common questions that family caregivers have about a senior parent aging in place is how to know when their senior parent needs help. If you’re not able to see your mom or dad every day, they could be having trouble keeping up with household tasks and you wouldn’t know it.

Many seniors don’t want to admit to their children that they are having trouble with routine household tasks because they are afraid if they speak up they will lose their independence. But there will be signs if your mom or dad is finding it difficult to keep up with the household chores.

One way that you can solve this problem is to get home care for your senior parent now. Home care provides help for seniors with things like running errands, cooking meals, and cleaning the house. Even if your mom or dad is still in good health home care can make life easier for them at home.

If you notice your mom or dad displaying any of these signs, then it’s definitely time to talk to them about getting home care:

A Noticeable Decline in Home Cleanliness

One of the first signs that your mom or dad may be struggling is a noticeable change in the cleanliness of their home. Look for dust piling up, dirty dishes left out for days, or clutter accumulating in living spaces. If the home looks messier or more disorganized than usual, it could mean they’re having trouble keeping up with regular cleaning tasks.

Unusual Odors

Unpleasant odors in the home can be a red flag. This might come from garbage that hasn’t been taken out, spoiled food in the refrigerator, or dirty laundry piling up. Your mom or dad may have difficulty with tasks like washing clothes, throwing out trash, or maintaining their kitchen. Home care can make sure that your mom or dad is living in a clean and sanitary environment.

Neglecting Basic Maintenance

Pay attention to whether basic maintenance tasks around the house are being overlooked. Burnt-out lightbulbs that aren’t replaced, broken appliances that go unfixed, or outdoor areas like lawns and driveways becoming unkempt are signs of struggle. These issues can pose safety risks, like tripping hazards or insufficient lighting, making it harder for your parent to navigate their home safely.

Difficulty Managing Laundry

Laundry is often one of the first household chores that seniors have trouble with. The process of bending to load a washer, transferring clothes to the dryer, and folding them can be physically demanding. If you notice large piles of unwashed clothes, clean laundry left unfolded, or a lack of clean bedding and towels, it’s time to get home care for your mom or dad.

Spoiled or Missing Groceries

Another sign your parent may be struggling is food going bad in the refrigerator or a lack of fresh groceries. Shopping and meal preparation can become challenging due to mobility issues, memory problems, or lack of energy.

Check for expired food, empty cabinets, or an over-reliance on pre-packaged or frozen meals. If your mom or dad isn’t eating healthy food or if they are skipping meals it can affect their health.

Avoiding or Postponing Chores

Seniors who feel overwhelmed might start postponing or avoiding chores altogether. They may say things like, “I’ll get to it later,” or make excuses about why tasks aren’t done. This can happen because of physical pain, fatigue, or even depression. If your parent seems unwilling or unable to tackle chores they once handled with ease, it’s a strong sign they need help.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Crawford County, KS, please contact the caring staff at Adelmo Family Care today at (417) 206-4576
Adelmo Family Care provides exceptional home and facility care for seniors, disabled adults, and their families in Joplin, Webb City, Carthage, Duquesne, Neosho, Carl Junction, Lamar, Newton County, MO, Jasper County, MO, Pittsburg, KS, Riverton, KS, Crawford County, KS, Cherokee County, KS, and surrounding areas.
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