Senior Care News

Preparing for a Senior’s Return Home with the Help of Hospital to Home Transition Care

Helping seniors come home successfully from the hospital can be a big task. Hospital to home transition care offers assistance in making a plan that covers all the bases.
Hospital to Home Transition in Carthage MO

A trip to the hospital, even for a routine procedure, can turn into a longer visit than seniors and family members might expect. When that happens, coming home can be more difficult than anticipated, even though that’s a good thing. There is help available, however. Hospital to home transition care allows families to have someone there to help them figure out how to bring seniors home safely and easily.

Get More Information About What’s Happening

Information is powerful and helpful, particularly when making plans for aging adults coming home from the hospital. Family caregivers need to not only get as much information as possible about what seniors are up against, but they also need to understand that information. Hospital to home transition care experts can help a lot with this because they can simplify information and make sure family members get the answers they need.

Start Seeking Help Before Discharge

What’s really important is for family caregivers to seek assistance before their aging adult is discharged. Hospital to home transition assistance is about starting early in the process, putting family caregivers in touch with the resources that they need. That might include social workers, physical and occupational therapists, and other specialists.

Plan Out How to Meet Physical Needs

With more information and improved access to expert assistance, family caregivers can better sort out how to meet their senior’s physical needs once they come home. This could mean making adjustments at home before seniors are discharged. Rearranging furniture is a common need, as is adding modifications like grab bars in strategic locations, raising the toilet seat, or improving lighting.

Organize Any Equipment Needs

Sometimes seniors need additional equipment when they return home. That might look like using a cane, walker, or even a wheelchair to get around. Or seniors might need a hospital bed for the first few weeks they’re back at home. Transition care experts can help families know what they need to make life easier for their seniors and help them find that equipment.

Schedule Follow-up Appointments

Follow-up appointments are a big deal for seniors who have been in the hospital. There are a lot of different reasons seniors might need to see medical providers after hospitalization, especially if they are recovering from surgery or an illness. It might be possible to have some of those appointments handled in-home by medical providers or through telehealth, however. Hospital to home transition care can help with planning these types of appointments.

Modify the Plan as Necessary

Even the best plans need occasional modification, especially if the needs of the patient change significantly. Staying on top of those needs is not always easy to do, especially when this type of situation is a new one for family caregivers and seniors. Hospital to home transition care experts can be there along the way to help with those changes, suggesting options and solutions.

It’s an important event when seniors are coming home from a hospital stay. That means that extra effort needs to go into making sure that their return home is successful and hospital to home transition care helps families find the help that they need.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Hospital to Home Transition in Carthage, MO, please contact the caring staff at Adelmo Family Care today at (417) 206-4576
Adelmo Family Care provides exceptional home and facility care for seniors, disabled adults, and their families in Joplin, Webb City, Carthage, Duquesne, Neosho, Carl Junction, Lamar, Newton County, MO, Jasper County, MO, Pittsburg, KS, Riverton, KS, Crawford County, KS, Cherokee County, KS, and surrounding areas.
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