Senior Care News

How Companion Care Helps Seniors That Are Living Alone

With companion care at home, a companion will visit your mom or dad on a regular basis. Companions visit seniors to provide social interaction.
Companion Care at Home in Neosho MO

Companion care at home is a type of home care that can help seniors overcome one of the biggest challenges of living alone- being lonely. According to studies seniors who are aging in place are often lonely, even if they have family who visit as much as possible. Family members just can’t provide all of the socialization that a senior needs to be healthy and happy.

And for housebound seniors, or seniors who have a hard time getting out on their own, companion care at home is the best way to make sure that they get the kind of social support that they need.

With companion care at home, a companion will visit your mom or dad on a regular basis. Companions visit seniors just to provide social interaction. Their focus is on making sure that your mom or dad gets the attention and social contact they need. Some of the ways that a companion can provide social support for your mom or dad are:

Engage in Conversation and Storytelling

Good conversation is one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat loneliness. A companion can spend time talking with your mom or dad, sharing stories, discussing current events, or simply listening.

This daily interaction makes your mom or dad feel valued and gives them a chance to express themselves. Having someone genuinely interested in their stories helps build a meaningful connection and brightens their day.

Enjoy Hobbies and Activities Together

A companion can join your mom or dad in activities they enjoy, whether it’s doing puzzles, crafting, or listening to music. Sharing these activities together gives your parent something to look forward to and keeps their mind engaged. It’s also a chance to introduce new hobbies, adding variety and excitement to their day.

Play Games to Keep the Mind Active

Playing games is an engaging way to keep your senior parent’s mind sharp while also being social. Whether it’s a classic board game, card game, or even computer-based trivia games and puzzles, these activities stimulate the mind and bring joy. Games create opportunities for laughter, competition, and teamwork, making them a great tool for reducing loneliness.

Sharing Meals

Conversation over meals is a wonderful way for your senior parent to connect socially. A companion can help your mom or dad cook new foods or try new dishes, then share those meals with them. Sharing old family recipes, experiencing foods they used to make all the time, and invoking all the memories of family dinners featuring those foods can all make your mom or dad feel more connected and less lonely.

Listening To Music Or Playing Music

Music has some well-documented therapeutic benefits. Listening to music or playing music can help seniors keep their cognitive skills strong. And listening to music or playing it can also help lower the risk of your mom or dad developing anxiety or depression.

A companion can help your mom or dad set up playlists on a voice-activated assistant so that your mom or dad can listen to their favorite songs whenever they want.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home in Neosho, MO, please contact the caring staff at Adelmo Family Care today at (417) 206-4576
Adelmo Family Care provides exceptional home and facility care for seniors, disabled adults, and their families in Joplin, Webb City, Carthage, Duquesne, Neosho, Carl Junction, Lamar, Newton County, MO, Jasper County, MO, Pittsburg, KS, Riverton, KS, Crawford County, KS, Cherokee County, KS, and surrounding areas.
John Good
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