About Us
Locally Owned and Operated
John Good owns and operates Adelmo Family Care. He lives on a small acreage north of Webb City and has lived in the area since 1972. John started Adelmo Family Care in 2009 when he saw a need to be filled. He felt that the area needed a quality, locally run agency that would focus on three key ingredients; compassion, professionalism and independence.
To provide the safest and most qualified caregivers, John felt it was important to properly screen and train caregivers before they were invited into the homes of the families being care for. No caregiver is introduced to a client before being taught the Adelmo Standard.
Adelmo is German for Noble Protector, a name that projects what Adelmo Family Care strives to be. It is our goal to protect our elderly from having to move somewhere they do not want to go, while remaining safe, secure and independent.
Care is our Product and Independence is our Goal. We are there for you when you need to have some help to continue to live independently, at your direction, in your home. We will work with you to get you as fit as possible so you may become completely independent once again, if at all possible.
We provide compassionate care, a watchful eye and a helping hand to our clients and their families.

We can't wait to meet you!
Adelmo Family Care is a member of the Home Care Association of America, The Senior’s Choice, The Webb City Chamber of Commerce, The Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce and several local senior committees.
Our Staff
John Good
Summer Bettes
Kristy Brownfield
Our Caregivers
Adelmo Family Care is devoted to providing the most professional, reliable and friendly caregivers in the industry. Our caregivers provide assistance with such activities as errands, transportation to doctors, medication reminders, housekeeping, laundry, grooming, dressing, bath safety monitoring, and more. All services and schedules are tailored to the needs of the client, and our caregivers are available for hourly, daily, weekly, overnight, or 24-hour assistance.
Our wonderful caregivers truly have a passion for providing care – and they are OUR employees, thoroughly interviewed, screened and background-checked (state and national), trained and oriented, bonded and insured. We have rigorous hiring practices in which all applicants go through tests and screenings focusing on skills, experience, attitudes and placement into homes. Most importantly, each and every one of our caregivers must be dependable, warm and caring people. Many of our staff members have extensive experience caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.
All companion aides receive 18 hours of orientation training, covering subjects like Improving Quality of Life, Healthy Nutrition, Alzheimer’s, Senior Illness, Safe Transfers and many others. All caregivers are given the opportunity to pursue our Advanced Training courses and are given wage raises accordingly.
No other companion care company offers such a comprehensive training program. Clients can trust that our caregivers will perform their duties with professionalism and dedication while they help our clients maintain their independence and treat them and their loved one with the dignity and respect that they deserve. We are proud to employ some of the finest caregivers in the industry.
Does your loved one deserve this level of superior care? Of course they do. Bring us in for a no-obligation assessment today.
Let’s Get Started
Why Choose Us
Fall Prevention Program
Adelmo Family Care is proud to be the Joplin area’s “resident experts” in fall prevention. Let us share some ideas with your family, friends, company, organization, or group about how to prevent one of the most catastrophic events in the life of a senior citizen.
- We customize your plan to you.
- Locally Owned
- We Train Our Caregivers
- We Background check our caregivers
- We drug test our caregivers
- We check the driving record of our caregivers
- We check our caregivers for TB
Did you know that:
- 70% of accidental deaths in people over the age of 75 result from falls?
- We spend $79 billion in medical costs each year on accidents attributable to falls?
- 40% of all nursing home admissions are attributable to repeated falls at home?
- 1 out of every 3 seniors who lives independently in their homes will seek medical care for a major fall each year? If you are over 75, the likelihood of falling is even greater.
- 25% of seniors who suffer hip fractures die within one year?
- Survivors of falls may experience debilitating fractures of the hip, wrists or spine?
- Falling, or the fear of falling, often times leads to loss of confidence, imposed isolation and immobility?
As you can see, the consequences of falling are very serious to seniors and their families. We are very concerned about the effects that falls have on seniors. We routinely speak to groups, both large and small, about how to prevent falls. We have developed a dynamic presentation (ranging from 20 to 60 minutes in length) that we would love to share with your group. In this presentation, we share such things as:
- The frequency and effects of falls among seniors
- The most common causes of falls
- Things you can do to reduce the risk of falling
- What to do when someone falls
- How to tell if you or someone you love is at risk of a fall
With each presentation, brochures, videos and other materials are available for each person. In addition, each senior will have the opportunity to participate in a free risk assessment. If you would like us to present this valuable program at your group’s next meeting, simply contact us.
Why Home Care
There is growing public demand for health care services that are available to the public in their own homes. The reasons have to do with tradition, with technology, and with cost effectiveness.
Home care is the oldest form of healthcare – and it is also the “newest.” Modern technology has developed to the point where many services that are available in the hospital can be provided at home. There is significant evidence that it is less costly than other forms of care, and that it is the most satisfying form of health care available to the American public. It is an idea whose time has come.
- It is delivered at home. There are such positive feelings that all of us associate with being home. When we are not feeling well, most of us ask to go home. When we are feeling well, we enjoy the sanctity of our residences and the joy of being with our loved ones.
- Home care keeps families together. There is no more important social value. It is particularly important in times of illness.
- Home care serves to keep the elderly independent. None of us want to be totally dependent and helpless. With some assistance, seniors can continue to function as viable members of society.
- Home care prevents or postpones institutionalization. Few patients choose to be placed in a nursing home, unless it’s the only place where they can obtain the 24-hour care that they need.
- Home care promotes healing. There is abundant evidence that patients heal more quickly at home.
- Home care allows a maximum amount of freedom for the individual. Hospitals and nursing homes offer more regimented, regulated environments. Home care offers a reassuring, individualized setting.
- Home care is personalized care. Home care is tailored to the needs of each individual. It is delivered on a one-to-one basis.
- Home care involves the individual and the family in the care that is delivered. The patient and his family are taught to participate in their health care. They are taught how to get well, and how to stay that way.
- Home care reduces stress. Unlike most forms of health care which can increase anxiety and stress, home care frequently has the opposite effect.
- Home care is one of the most effective forms of health care. There is very high consumer satisfaction associated with care delivered in the home.
- Home care is an efficient form of health care. By bringing health services home, the patient does not generate board and room expenses. The patient and/or his family supply the food and tend to the individual’s other needs. Technology now has developed to the point where many services, once only available in a hospital, can be offered at home.
- Home care is given by special people. By and large, employees of home care agencies look at their work, not as a job or profession, but as a calling. Home care workers are highly trained and dedicated to their work.
- Home care is, in many cases, less expensive than other forms of care. The evidence is convincing that, for many services, home care is less expensive than other forms of care. In general, home care costs only one-tenth as much as hospitalization and only one-fourth as much as nursing home placement to deal with comparable health problems.
- Home care extends life. A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office has established that people receiving home care tend to live longer and have a better quality of life. Home care helps not only add years to life, but “life to years.”
- Home care is the preferred form of care, even for individuals who are terminally ill. There is a growing public acceptance and demand for hospice care, which is home care for individuals who are terminally ill.
Professional Affiliations
Adelmo Family Care is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations, all of which validate our adherence to the highest levels of quality service, ethical values, and best practices in our community and the industry.
We are the largest membership network of senior care providers in the world, providing unsurpassed care and priceless peace of mind to tens of thousands of seniors and their families throughout North America and internationally.
Our mission is to ensure a better quality of life at home for the elderly and others requiring assistance with their Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) by providing them with safe, dependable and affordable in-home assisted living and companionship. Our professionalism, expertise and commitment to our clients make it possible for them to maintain their independence and dignity while remaining in the comfort and security of their own home.
For the 11 of the last 12 years we have received notification that we are among the best home care companies in America.
We have received the Employer of Choice award every year it has been an active award. 11 years and counting.